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From the different assignments and works that were given, I have come to understad more on the ways to handle and control my skills in terms of sketching, line weight, rendering and etc. I have also manage to learn a great deal of new techniques and ways to improve one's drawing. Hence, from this project, I find that I have improve drastically from how i started to where I am today.


When comparing to my works back in Foundation, I can even identify the difference in skill and also the mistakes that were made now. For me, this is a great achievement although there are still errors here and there. I believe that I still have a long journey ahead of me to learn and improve my skills along the way as an architect.

Below are pictures of my projects throughout the semester 1 in Design Communication 1. 

Design Communication

© portfolio by Gennieve Lee P.C.  All rights reserved.

All photographs are of original work unless stated. 

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